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Catalinbread releases Ottava Magus II

Catlinbread presents the Ottava Magus II, octave fuzz effect pedal. Everything you loved about the original, and some really cool new refinements that we think discerning players will appreciate. The first thing folks will probably notice is the new Saturation control – in a nutshell, this feature alters the playing feel making it more saturated (duh!) and spongy. It also adds some more gain into the mix giving you those "Holy crap – mah amp is fixin' to 'splode!" sounds.

The Intensity control has been refined, providing better control over the usable range of sounds. Catlinbread also altered the original circuit a bit allowing it to sound more appealing plugged into a completely clean amp, a little more meat, less rasp and an even more articulate octave up sound. But don't let these changes worry you! We left all the original's good stuff alone! No glitching out when your signal starts to decay, and you can still use any pickup you wish and play anywhere on the neck you want. Try THAT with a dentist's "conversation piece" octave fuzz!

For more information, please visit www.catalinbread.com

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