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BSM releases the RPA California Pedal

The new BSM RPA California recreates Ritchie Blackmore´s hot 1974/75 Deep Purple Mk3 sound. With the "BITE" control, you can blend between two completely different sounds: the raw and brutal early 1974 "California Jam" and the later razor-sharp "Live in London" tone!

The RPA California has enough headroom, to recreate Ritchie´s original tone even with the old, low-gain amps like the Marshall "Major" or the VOX AC-30. Following Blackmore´s philosophy "protect your ears and play it hard", the stompbox has no volume control, running full-throttle all the time. With the EQ control, you can tweak the stompbox to be a perfect mate for all kinds of pickups.

For more information, please visit www.treblebooster.net

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